Wait ’Til You See | Demon’s Souls Coming To The Playstation 5

Abbey Freehill
3 min readJul 12, 2020

Who would have thought that one of the painstakingly challenging titles will come back to haunt you? But not in a wrong way, but through the process of anticipation. Unless you have been curling on your closet, then you may have already known that the iconic villain is making a comeback on the PlayStation 5.

So yes, your anticipation right now like most of the fans is beginning to kill your sanity. Based on the 100-second trailer, the upcoming remake is going to gorgeously brutal yet visually as well. Imagine the PS3 version of the game in stunning visuals, enhanced details, and more ruthless combat. Tasked for this remake, is the talented team of Bluepoint Games, known for their fantastic work on the remake of Shadow of the Colossus.

For those new to the title, Demon’s Souls is not for everyone unless you want to experience one of the most brutal games on the previous gen. By all means, you are very much welcome to take the challenge. As the first installment of the Souls series, Demon’s Souls is a title not to get accepted as it needs a lot of patience.

Demo’s Souls: How Difficult is the Game?

Well, Hidetaka Miyazaki feared that Sony asks the team to lower the difficulty to make the game more accessible. He also stated that the game’s difficulty intended to both evoke classic video games and provide a sense of challenge and accomplishment for players.

But the real answer lies in the review back when gaming journalists are still hardcore gamers. Famitsu editor Paint Yamamoto is scoring it a nine and calling it “a game you learn how to play by losing — you’ll face sudden death frequently. But! Keep playing. and you’ll realize how deep it is.”

Edge also gave Demon’s Souls high praise stating that “if gaming’s ultimate appeal lies in the learning and mastering of new skills, then surely the medium’s keenest thrills are to be found in its hardest lessons,” Besides, Eurogamer also gave the game a 9/10 stating that Demon’s Souls is a “stoic, uncompromising, difficult to get to know, but also deep, intriguingly disturbed and perversely rewarding.”

Do the Demon’s Souls Deserve a Second Life on the PS5?

Demon’s Souls is one of those games that became an instant classic in the video game industry. In other words, this game has already proven itself as the main foundation of the ARPG titles of today. Without the Demon’s Souls, Sekiro and Nioh would probably not exist. Unlike the Ninja Gaiden series, the Souls franchise maintained its stance to become a legend of its own by sticking to its skill-based gameplay structure. Demon’s Souls coming to the PS5 is great news for all hardcore gamers out there. Especially that the game is from the ground-up.

Moreover, you can be sure that the game will have the same elements seen in the PS3 version. Still, everything will be rewarded with a new and more challenging Demon’s Souls version. So if you hate seeing your character killed please do go back to selling your turnips in Animal Crossing. All in all, the game has a lot of things to offer. It’s certainly up to you on how to try and battle the things ahead. You can freely download and try the game with your friends now. However, it’ll be much more epic if you tried playing the game on both platforms.

Don’t get a hang off everything and make the best out of your time. Explore for more things to come in Demon’s Souls now. Besides, everything deserves a second chance, right? So, Catch the game while it’s on fire!

Originally published at https://playpc.io on July 12, 2020.



Abbey Freehill

I play and write all about games, from Mobile to PC.